In this section:
Timeout talks
Established as a collaboration between Sport NSW, Australian College of Physical Education and NSW Office of Sport in 2020, Timeout Talks offer a wide selection of webinar topics, discussing key points pertinent to organisations and clubs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Timeout Talks provide professional development opportunities in areas such as coaching, high-performance pathways, inclusion in sport and much more.
- 30 April - Inside Leadership in Sport
- 5 May - Staying Connected Through Innovation - view slide deck
- 7 May - A conversation around Physical Literacy
- 12 May - Inside Media and Sport
- 14 May - A Conversation Around Mental Health
- 20 May - How will Disability work in the new Sport & Recreation world?
- 26 May - Padding towards Tokyo 2021
- 2 June - Return to train – effective coaching with the COVID-19 restrictions
- 4 June - Community Clubs in a COVID-19 world
- 11 June - COVID-19s Impact on Young Athletes
- 17 June - Active Ability sessions - a roadmap for social disability engagement
- 23 June - Unlocking the value of data post COVID-19
- 25 June - The power of sport to connect community
- 30 June - Sponsorship and Fundraising for Sport in a post COVID-19 world
- 8 July - How sporting values drive leadership
- 15 July - Activating Physical Literacy
Play by the Rules
Play by the Rules has developed a community sport library of resources, including webinars and forums.
For more information, visit Play by the Rules
Learning and development
There are numerous on-line resources which may support Sporting organisations to provide staff and stakeholders with learning and development opportunities to enable them to remain connected with sport, to develop new skills or pursue other interests.
Visit Learning and Development for more information on online courses and resources available.
Sport Australia Podcast
The Sport Australia podcast team is here to help boost your sporting experiences. No matter what role you play, we talk participation, coaching, administration, officiating, volunteering and more. From grassroots to grand slams, our trusted experts share tips, tools and real life experiences so you can get results for you and your sport.
As with any resource, this does not replace obtaining legal advice on each sport specific requirement and it is recommended you do so. The information provided in this resource is for your information only. The authors and the Office of Sport accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or your reliance upon it.