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Recruiting volunteers for your club is the most effective when the people responsible understand why people volunteer and what they gain by volunteering. 

The NSW Government has produced a range of marketing materials that can be downloaded and used to help recruit volunteers, including a set of six A6 postcards and three posters.

The materials highlight volunteers in action, with the key message ‘U CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE – Finding a volunteering opportunity is now easier’.

The materials direct the audience to the NSW Volunteering website where people interested in volunteering can search available volunteering opportunities, and organisations can advertise to fill vacancies.

Disclaimer: As with any resource, this does not replace obtaining legal advice on each sport specific requirement and it is recommended you do so. The information provided in this resource is for your information only.  The authors and the NSW Office of Sport accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or your reliance upon it.

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