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Office of Sport

Learn to swim program

The NSW Government has committed $6 million for a learn to swim program that targets communities at the highest risk of drowning.

Fifteen learn to swim providers have been appointed to deliver learn to swim and water safety programs that target people born overseas and those living in the most disadvantaged areas of NSW are. 

The providers will deliver free learn to swim and water safety lessons to people from low socioeconomic groups, multicultural communities, First Nations people and people in regional areas.

NSW residents can find their local provider below. 

Learn to swim providers


RegionProviderTarget communitiesWebsiteContact details
Metropolitan Sydney

City of Parramatta


Parramatta local government area (LGA)Parramatta Aquatic Centre | City of Parramatta

1300 617 058

Email form on website

 AquablissSeven Hills, Gregory Hills form on website
 Royal Life Saving Society NSW/ACT/TASCampbelltown, Fairfield, Cumberland, Blacktown, Canterbury, Bankstown, PenrithSwimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700

 Aqua Kids Swim SchoolSmithfieldAqua Kids Swim School | Learn to Swim02 9724 7644
 Sutherland Shire CouncilSutherland LGASutherland Shire Council

02 8536 9777

Email form on website

 Swim BrothersAuburn, Birrong, Roselands and VillawoodSwim Brothers –  Learn to Swim
Central CoastSplash of Colour SwimmingGosford, Toukley

Swimming Lessons, Swimming Lessons - Newcastle, New South Wales

Email form on website
 Royal Life Saving Society – AustraliaCentral Coast LGASwimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700


Hunter Splash of Colour SwimmingCharlestown, Maitland, Callaghan, West Wallsend

Swimming Lessons, Swimming Lessons - Newcastle, New South Wales


Email form on website


 Jabiru Swim SchoolHarringtonJabiru Swim School Facebook pageMessage through Facebook
 Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers AssociationTorontoSWIM Coaches & Teachers 
North CoastThe Village GymPottsvilleGym - Classes - Qualified Personal trainers - 
 Royal Life Saving Society – AustraliaBallina, Bellingen, Byron, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey, Kyogle, Lismore, Port Macquarie Hastings, Richmond Valley LGAs

Swimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700


Central West and OranaPlatform & CoQuambone, Gilgandra, Gulgong, Kandos, Mudgee, Warren
 Royal Life Saving Society – AustraliaBathurst, Orange, Lithgow, Cowra, Parkes, Lachlan

Swimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700


Far WestBell LeisureBourke, Brewarrina, Walgett, WilcanniaBIG BLUE 
 Platform & CoBurren Junction, Lightning Ridge, Cobar, Carinda


New England and North WestRoyal Life Saving Society – AustraliaArmidale, Tamworth

Swimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700


 Platform & CoUralla, Manila, Nundle, Kootingal, Barraba, Monckton, Guyra, Warialda, Bingara, Werris Creek, Quirindi, Narrabri, Boggabri, Wee Waa, Baradine


Riverina MurrayRoyal Life Saving Society – AustraliaAlbury, Berrigan, Hay, Cootamundra, Wagga Wagga (LGAs), Barellan, Berrigan, Coleambally, Coolamon, Darlington Point, Hay, Howlong, Jerilderie, Jindera, Albury (Lavington), Leeton, The Rock, Tocumwal

Swimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700


South East and TablelandsRoyal Life Saving Society – AustraliaBega Valley, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Queanbeyan Palerang, Snowy Monaro, Upper Lachlan, Wingecarribee, Yass Valley LGAs, Berridale, Bombala, Gunning

Swimming and Water Safety | Royal Life Saving | NSW/ACT/TAS

02 9634 3700

 Perfect Streamlines All Seasons Swim School

Hilltops LGA


Illawarra ShoalhavenMcKeon’s Swim SchoolUnanderraHome | McKeon SwimmingEmail form on website
 Northern Stars Swim School

Dapto, Bulli



Email form on website


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