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Office of Sport

Agency Information Guide


The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009  (GIPA Act) provides members of the public with a right of access to government information. The GIPA Act replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (FOI).

Under the GIPA Act, each NSW Government department and agency is required to publish an Agency Information Guide.

This Information Guide provides a general description of:

  • Our agency’s structure and functions.
  • The way in which our functions affect members of the public.
  • How members of the public can participate in policy formulation and provide feedback.
  • The kinds of information we hold.
  • Information we make publicly available.
  • Office of Sport

The Office of Sport was established in July 2014 and is an executive agency within the Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport.

The Office of Sport has brought together existing entities each with its own specific services to the community but all with one common purpose; to promote a vibrant and valued sport and active recreation sector that enhances the lives of the people of NSW.

As one agency, we provide leadership and support to the sport and active recreation sector to enhance its performance and sustainability. A core value proposition is to bring improved coherence and coordination of activities and investments to the sector.

We are responsible for planning, managing and delivering high quality venues, facilities, sport development and active recreation programs, high performance sport, and sports integrity and safety. We are also a driver for sport policy and strategy, the formation and dissemination of insights and information, and the promotion of partnerships.

Our focus areas

Towards 2024, our focus areas are:

  • Participation – everyone in NSW participating in sport and active recreation throughout their whole life
  • Sector Sustainability – the sector continues to grow sport and active recreation across NSW
  • Places and Spaces – Everyone in NSW can access places and spaces for sport and active recreation
  • Partnerships and Investment – partnerships and investment in sport and active recreation that maximise the value for everyone in NSW


The Acts administered by the Minister for Sport as at 30 June 2023 are: 

Acts, regulations and other statutory instruments can be accessed via the NSW Government’s legislation website

Further information

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