For sporting organisations that employ people
Sport and active recreation organisations have the same legal obligations as any employer to their workers - but that doesn't mean that employment law is easy to understand, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
The resources below can assist your organisation to understand the legal framework and identify issues when they arise. The law surrounding employment is complex and it changes sometimes, so the information in these pages should not replace advice from a lawyer who specialises in employment law.
If you’re a club or association, your state or national body is also a good first port of call for advice and assistance. However, in some circumstances you should seek specialist advice as soon as possible.
In this section:
Fair Work Australia can assist businesses including not for profits on information on employment of staff issues regarding impact of COVID-19. Sporting organisations can contact Fair Work Australia Help Line call 1300 734 265 or go to their web site and request assistance on their chat line.
For more information visit Fair Work Australia.
Is a whole of government web site for the Australian Business community providing information, resources and support services including financial assistance, eligibility and timing for the new Commonwealth Government support for Australian businesses and which are also applicable to NSW not-for-profit organisations.
For more information visit
Safe Work NSW is the New South Wales’ workplace health and safety regulator. They provide:
- advice on improving work health and safety
- provide licences and registration for potentially dangerous work
- investigate workplace incidents and enforce work health and safety laws in NSW
Safe Work NSW has developed a guide to assist organisations with safe work practices during COVID-19
For more information visit Safe Work NSW
Formerly known as the NSW Business Chamber, Business Australia has developed an impacted employee kit to assist both employees and employers including not for profit sporting organisations during COVID-19
For more information visit Business Australia
Justice Connect is a not-for-profit law specialist legal service for community organisations including not for profit sporting organisations.
They provide free or low cost, high quality practical legal help for not-for-profit community organisations and advocate for improved standards and legal frameworks.
Justice Connect has COVID-19 advice, updates and webinars on legal issues impacting on sporting organisations.
For more information visit Justice Connect
The Small Business Commissioner has information, support and resources available to help small business during the crisis and into the recovery phase.
Small business owners should contact Service NSW Business Concierge for personalised advice on financial and business support.
For more information visit NSW Small Business Commissioner
The premier not-for-profit sports law organisation in the Australasian region, dedicated to providing education, advocacy and networking opportunities about legal issues in sport.
For more information Australian and New Zealand Law Association
Information on NSW payroll tax support relating to COVID-19 to assist businesses and organisations including not for profit sporting organisations and employees and volunteers.
For more information visit Revenue NSW
The Australian Taxation Office for your obligations to workers and independent contractors, volunteers, BAS, other reporting obligations
For more information visit Australian Taxation Office