Everyone has the right to participate in and enjoy sport. It’s important for sports clubs to ensure every person is treated with respect and dignity and protected from discrimination.
Clubs can create welcoming and inclusive places for all through good leadership, policies, codes of conduct and a culture of sport for all.
What club committees can do
There are 8 key steps club committees should follow to create safe and fair clubs.
Specifically, when it comes to ensuring transgender and gender diverse people are welcomed in your sport:
- Be familiar with the existing policies your sport likely has in this area and promote them often to members eg. Inclusion Policy, Member Protection Policy and/or Codes of Conduct. These are generally set by your national or state peak body.
- Use the Australian Guidelines for the Inclusion of Transgender and Gender Diverse People in sport
- Ensure club leaders and others complete training in harassment and discrimination. Play by the Rules offers two useful courses:
Information and resources to help
Anti-discrimination NSW
Anti-discrimination NSW is the New South Wales state government body that administers the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977
Play by the Rules
Inclusion and Diversity resources