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Office of Sport

The sports world is filled with supplements that promise to provide participants and athletes with a winning edge. 

Supplements cover a broad range of products including vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal replacement formulations, sports nutrition products, natural food concentrates, and other related products.  They come in pill, tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form.

Anyone considering taking a supplement should be aware their claims are not always backed by evidence. Supplements can also be contaminated – posing a health risk and/or risk of taking a substance banned in sport.

What clubs can do

There are 8 key steps club committees should follow to create safe and fair clubs. 

Specifically, when it comes to sport supplements consider:

  • Be familiar with the existing policies your sport likely has in this area and promote them often to members. These are generally set by your national or state peak body.
  • Be familiar with Sport Integrity Australia – and the many resources, training and help it can provide to support fair, clean sport

Information and resources to help

Check with your national or state sporting organisation

Sport Integrity Australia


Play by the Rules

A parent’s guide to clean sport online training

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