State Sporting Organisation staff can use the steps outlined below to implement the Child Safe Standards within their sporting communities
The Child Safe Standards provide a framework for creating child safe organisations.
The standards emphasise the importance of adopting multiple strategies to address child safety.
When organisations apply the Child Safe Standards, they build a culture where abuse and neglect of children is prevented, responded to and reported.
Step A – Child Safe Standards self-education and familiarisation
Complete the Child Safe Sport eLearning – Module 1
The Child Safe Self-Assessment (CSSA) is a free online tool which assists organisations to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in how they implement the NSW Child Safe Standards.
The Office of Sport - Child Safe Sport homepage is a Child Safe Sport “gateway” with links to many resources and further information (please bookmark this page)
View the three Child Safety in Sport and Recreation videos and consider how you might use these now and in the future:
Part 1 – Before you start
Learn what a child safe club looks like and how you can get started on setting up a child safe culture.
Part 2 – How to apply the Standards
Learn more about how to apply the Child Safe Standards in your club or organisation and how to champion child safe empowerment
Part 3 – Meeting your club members needs
Learn how to guide positive support and participation, child safe physical touch in sport and recreation, and where to get support on your child safe journey.
Step B - Presentation to leadership group (board/committee)
Purpose of meeting:
(a) Explain/introduce the importance of Child Safety
- Explain the implementation processes outlined in the steps below
- Gain commitment and support from leadership group
- Confirm approval for further action with membership base
(b) Present using the Child Safe Sport presentation deck
- Remember to highlight the support resources available (eg OCG resources, OCG staff availability, CSS webpage)
(a) Gain leadership commitment and support
(b) Have these been achieved?
- Commitment from board/committee
- Confirmation of board/committee support for further necessary action with association/clubs
(c) Advise next steps with membership organisations, associations and clubs
- Introduce/ present Child Safe Standards to them
- Assist them in completing their first CSSA
Step C – Implementing Child Safe awareness and action with Clubs
(a) Purpose of meeting is to:
- Explain/introduce the importance of Child Safety
- Gain commitment and support from members to complete initial Child Safe Self-Assessment (CSSA)
- Confirm commitment and support from members and discuss initial steps
(b) Present using the Child Safe Sport presentation deck
- Remember to highlight support resources available (eg OCG resources, OCG staff availability, CSS webpage)
(c) Highlight the relevant essentials for action:
- Legal requirements
- Compliance readiness
Step D – Monitoring implementation progress
(a) This initial CSSA sets a baseline for future progress on the clubs child safe journey
(b) Additional background/resources
- Review the introduction to the Child Safe Self-Assessment
- Watch CSSA introductory video
- Start the CSSA
- Get the word out with the CSSA media kit
(a) Highlight what is already being achieved in line with the Child Safe Standards, and which focus areas may require priority attention (according to CSSA-generated Assessment and Action Report)
(b) Complete CSSA at regular intervals to monitor/guide the club’s progress and required actions
Child Safe presentation
To assist organisations and clubs with their presentation to committee and board members we have created a presentation template.
Download the presentation deck