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Office of Sport

Regional Sports Hub Master Plan Unveiled

Published: 31 August 2020
Released by: Minister for Sport

Plans for the Dubbo Regional Sports Hub have been unveiled to the city’s sporting community.

Plans for the Dubbo Regional Sports Hub have been unveiled to the city’s sporting community.


The NSW Government’s plans for the precinct were released on Tuesday evening during a consultation session with the Dubbo Sports Council.

The session was hosted by the group responsible for delivery of the first stage of the project, the Dubbo Indoor Multi Sport Facility.

The group, comprised of the NSW Office of Sport, Department of Regional NSW, PCYC and Charles Sturt University, shared the NSW Government’s plans to develop the Charles Sturt University land into a Regional Sports Hub incorporating sporting facilities that will support a wide range of sports.

Stage 1 of the project involves the construction of a $23.3 million Indoor Multi Sport Facility that will feature a PCYC, basketball, gymnastics, indoor hockey and tennis courts, providing an all-weather venue for the region’s sporting talent.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders welcomed the latest milestone in the project, which is quickly gathering momentum.

“Dubbo is the geographic centre of NSW and the capital of western NSW and it is appropriate that the region has a major sports hub to develop our significant quantity of sporting talent,” he said.

“The release of the Master Plan for the Dubbo Regional Sports Hub is an exciting milestone for the region’s sporting community and it is important that for a project that will be of benefit to so many sports that we were able to present the master plan to them and seek feedback.

“We look forward to working with the local community to deliver a facility that will increase participation in sport.

“Last November I announced $10 million in funding for this project from a drought stimulus fund designed to boost regional areas, and I am proud to say that we have had a local firm, Barnson Pty Ltd, already engaged in surveying and site review work on the project and that is important also.”

Mr Saunders said community groups and state sporting organisations will help inform the design of the facility and future stages of the Dubbo Sport Hub Precinct.

“Local input is vital to ensure the facility meets community needs,” Mr Saunders said.

“The ability to cater for large scale events that bring sports tourism to the Dubbo community will also be a major consideration in the venue’s design.”

“It’s fantastic to see the project really starting to gather momentum, with design planning for the Indoor Multi Sport Facility anticipated to commence in the coming weeks.”

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