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Office of Sport

NSW Government Streamlines Venues Management

Published: 23 June 2020
Released by: Minister for Sport

The NSW Government will merge Venues NSW and the Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust (SCGT) to create a single organisation for NSW sporting and entertainment venues, to attract blockbuster events and drive economic activity across the State.

The NSW Government will merge Venues NSW and the Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust (SCGT) to create a single organisation for NSW sporting and entertainment venues, to attract blockbuster events and drive economic activity across the State.

Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee said this new entity presents tremendous opportunities for the people of NSW to ensure taxpayers receive maximum bang for their buck.

“This merger is about placing NSW in the best possible position to attract the most exciting and sought after events so the entire State can benefit from the economic stimulation,” Mr Lee said.

“We have made the investment in stadiums and infrastructure which are the envy of the world and now it’s time to ensure we get maximum returns.

“NSW is often competing nationally and internationally to attract major sporting events, concerts and other outdoor activities to our venues. A strong, co-ordinated and streamlined approach to attracting these major events will put our State in the best position to win them and reap the economic benefits.”

An Interim Advisory Board will be established to oversee the development of the operating model for the new entity, and will include long standing board members of the SCGT and Venues NSW.

Mr Tony Shepherd AO will be the Chair and Mr Rod McGeoch AO the Deputy Chair of the new entity.

All Venues NSW and SCGT contracts, agreements and membership entitlements with sporting codes, clubs, partners and members will continue to be honoured and preserved by the merged entity.


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