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Office of Sport

NSW Businesses Powering Construction of Sydney's New Football Stadium

Published: 29 September 2020
Released by: Minister for Sport

Local businesses are driving construction of the Sydney Football Stadium with almost $300 million worth of contracts awarded to 25 NSW based suppliers and contractors so far.

Local businesses are driving construction of the Sydney Football Stadium with almost $300 million worth of contracts awarded to 25 NSW based suppliers and contractors so far.

Acting Minister for Sport, Geoff Lee said this project has supported many small, medium and large enterprise across NSW and will continue to do so until its completion in 2022.

“The Sydney Football Stadium redevelopment project has been a key economic generator during this pandemic, boosting the NSW construction industry with direct and indirect jobs as well as the purchase of materials from suppliers across our state,” Mr Lee said.

“It’s another exciting milestone to see the start of in-factory fabrication of the stadium roof at S&L Steel in Western Sydney. The team will use over 4000 individual pieces of steel to build this significant part of the stadium,” Mr Lee said.

“They are a family owned and managed business and we’re pleased to be supporting jobs in the area."

The team at Evergreen Turf in North West Sydney will supply the grass for the project and associated services at Sydney Football Stadium, generating 200 direct and indirect jobs. Evergreen have pioneered revolutionary turf systems for stadiums around the world.

“It’s fantastic to meet-up with our stadium suppliers and see their hard work in action. I’m really proud to see this project supporting so many people, despite the challenges of this pandemic.”

John Holland General Manager, Matthew Bourne said work on site remained on schedule.

“We’re pleased to have been able to operate in accordance with the COVID-19 regulations, to keep this important project going,” said Mr Bourne.

“In coming months we’ll also see the construction of the walls and shell of the building, so it will really start to take shape.

“We look forward to delivering this remarkable Sydney icon for many spectacular sporting battles here in NSW, and in time for the 2022 NRL Grand Final.”

Approximately 2000 tonnes of structural steel will be required for the new stadium’s roof.

Owner of S&L Steel, Pablo Santos, said this project was of special interest to the family.

“We are very excited to be fabricating the steel for the new stadium’s roof. My father, who is still involved with our business, started the company back in 1974, and we’ve worked on many government projects since then, including the old Sydney Football Stadium,” said Mr Santos.

Construction will continue throughout the pandemic, with extended working hours on weekends to enable safe work practices with social distancing, no job losses or reduced hours for employees.

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