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Office of Sport

National Snowsports Training Centre Jumps Into Planning Stages

Published: 7 August 2020
Released by: Minister for Sport

Australian winter sports athletes are one step closer to having their own world class training facility after the NSW Government today lodged the Development Application for Stage 1 of the National Snowsports Training
Centre at Jindabyne with Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

Australian winter sports athletes are one step closer to having their own world class training facility after the NSW Government today lodged the Development Application for Stage 1 of the National Snowsports Training
Centre at Jindabyne with Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

Stage 1 of the $5.1 million project will see the construction of a dry slope airbag jump and upgrades to the Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre.

NSW Deputy Premier and Member for Monaro John Barilaro said the National Snowsports Training Centre would cement Jindabyne’s status as Australia’s home for winter sport.

“This facility will put Jindabyne on the map internationally and make it the envy of the winter sports world,” Mr Barilaro said.

“Athletes from across the globe will come to Jindabyne to train at this world-class airbag training facility which will be operational year-round.

“This is good news for Snowy Mountains after what’s been an extremely tough year. This project will bring huge sporting and economic benefits to the region through jobs, investment and tourism.”

Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee said the dry slope airbag jump was a game-changer for Australian winter sports.

“This facility will eliminate the training difficulties around our shorter snow season and give Australian winter sport athletes an edge over the rest of the world,” Mr Lee said.

“I know snow sports are buzzing about this terrific investment for Jindabyne which will pump money into the local economy all year round.”

Snow Australia Chief Executive Officer Michael Kennedy welcomed news of the lodgement of the Development Application by the NSW Government.

“This is a significant step towards the establishment of a permanent base for Snowsport in Australia,” Mr Kennedy said.

“This facility is critical to the sustained success of our athletes in an increasingly competitive international sporting environment.

“It will serve as a base for our high-performance programs and will also provide a focal point for pathway programs and broader winter sport community to come together.

“The National Snowsports Training Centre will have a profound impact on Australian athletes’ capacity to maintain and enhance their international competitiveness.”

The Development Application will be on display for 14 days on Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s Application Tracking Tool with the plans on exhibition at Council’s offices.

Stage 1 of the National Snowsports Training Centre is scheduled for completion in early 2021.

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