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Office of Sport

Challenge the way you see yourself and the world with The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

Not only can you complete Practice and Qualifying Journeys for the Bronze and Silver Awards at selected Sport and Recreation Centres, you can now complete your Gold Residential Project too.

About Gold Residential Projects

Your role will be to actively help staff to manage the participant wellbeing during school holiday camps. You will be required to live on-site for the duration of the program, usually five days. 

Complete your Gold Residential Project at one of our 11 beautiful Sport and Recreation locations, which conducts one to five-day programs for school children during the school holidays – holiday programs like Adventurer or Make a Splash, or specialised programs like Craft Kids, Cooking for Kids or Hooked, Line and Sinker. Our programs focus on personal development and relationship building as well as goal-setting and conquering challenges. 

It is a great personal adventure for the children – and it will be for you too.

Role of the Duke of Ed participant

Your role will be to actively help staff to manage the children’s wellbeing during their holiday camp. Holiday camps typically have staff/child ratios of 1:24 with staff responsible for the children during the camp duration. The Sport and Recreation Centre staff will encourage you to be as proactive and as involved as possible, while also maintaining a professional attitude at all times. 

You will be assigned to a morning, afternoon and evening activity group. You are expected to attend all activities and assist campers and staff so that everyone can have a great time. 

You will be required to live on-site for the duration of your Gold Residential Project. If your lodge accommodation group is rostered onto a meal duty, then you are too! Otherwise, show initiative in the dining hall by helping out during meal times. If the Group Leader is conducting an overnight campout (bivouac), be prepared to camp out overnight (tents will be provided by the Centre). 


  • Child protection and confidentiality: 
    • When working with children, it is important to be friendly and interested in the children, while at the same time not becoming overfamiliar. You may become a role model to some of the children at camp and they sometimes might share some personal information regarding their family and friends. Most of the time, this is just general conversation. However, it can sometimes be something more and under Child Protection legislation, we have a duty to act on such information. If a camper has told you information that you think may be important, please let staff know immediately. 
    • If you have any concerns whatsoever about any child, you will need to bring it to the attention of a full-time staffer. ​
    • Never be alone with a child for any reason except an emergency situation. 
  • Disclipline: Never discipline a child; always refer incidents to a staff member. 
  • Prohibited substances: Drugs, cigarettes and alcohol are not allowed at camp and any person found using or in possession of these items may be removed from the Centre. Those found in possession of illegal drugs will be reported to the police immediately.
  • Free time: If the Group Leader on your activity group is rostered to take a break, then you are too. Otherwise, you are on duty whenever they are.
  • First aid: You should not be required to administer any first aid. Inform staff of any incidents that occur. If you require first aid, let staff know immediately.
  • Accommodation: Never enter a camper’s room. Do not invite anyone into your own room or ask anyone else to get anything from your room. Keep your room tidy and the floor area clear of any clothing or bags.
  • Out of bounds: Do not enter out of bound areas, such as maintenance areas, garages, activity areas outside of activity time, self-contained accommodation units/villas. 
  • Professional attire: You are representing your school and you are also considered to be one of our staff members. You must be presentable and wear professional attire at all times, including:
    • A hat when outdoors
    • Suitable shoes (ie thongs are not suitable footwear)
    • Plain t-shirts and shorts of an appropriate length and that do not have inappropriate slogans or writing on them
    • A t-shirt or a rash shirt over your swimmers when using the pool.
  • Punctuality: Arrive on time for activities and meals. Don't be late. 
  • Social media and photographs: You are not permitted to take photographs of children or participants without the approval of a Sport and Recreation staff member. You are not permitted to post photographs of any participants on social media. 

Words to live by at camp

Always remember that camp isn’t just a holiday for kids during school terms. It’s a special place where we have the chance to take part in creating magic for children who attend. Lifelong friendships are made at camp and children will take away these memories forever. Be proud that you are going to be such an integral part in their growing up!

How to apply for a Gold Residential Project

Contact your preferred Centre to find out if they have availability:

Broken Bay
Lake Burrendong
Lake Keepit
Milson Island


  • Costs vary by Centre. For example, a four day residential project at Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre costs $612 per person including all meals, accommodation and activities. 
  • Transport fees apply when you will travel to our Centres by bus, train or ferry.

Important requirements:

If you over the age of 18, you must obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and supply details to the Centre prior to commencement of your Residential Project. 

If you are under the age of 18 at the time of the camp you are NOT required to obtain a WWCC.

Prepare for camp:

View what to pack checklist, plus general information on health and safety, camp life and meals.

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