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Office of Sport

Duke 4Sport is a free partnership that connects young people aged 14 to 24 completing their Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award with sporting clubs and organisations. Duke 4Sport partners can attract young players and volunteers by providing opportunities for young people to complete their Physical Recreation, Skills and Voluntary Service sections of the Duke of Ed.

Get involved

Any sport can become an Award Centre or an Activity provider. To find out more and or to chat with one of the Duke of Ed Team.
Enquire now


Information about promoting the Duke of Ed is below.

Duke of Ed Prospectus
Duke 4Sport flyer
About Duke of Ed Users

Partnership benefits

  • Reach more than 14,000 young people across NSW who participate in the Duke of Ed annually.
  • Attract new young players and volunteers.
  • Retain existing young players and volunteers.
  • Provide additional value to your young members by developing their teamwork, goal setting, perseverance and leadership skills. 



Cricket NSW are delighted to partner with the Duke 4Sport initiative. Cricket, like all other sports thrive on the work of volunteers and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award can be mutually beneficial for students to introduce them to the wider benefits of volunteering as well as to the participants in cricket who will see young people as role models involved in our sport

Julie Stafford, Female Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion Manager.

Get involved

If you are interested in partnering with a globally recognised orgnaisation to attract and retain young players and volunteers, and inspire young people to live an active, healthy and rewarding life apply now or contact us for more information. 

Duke 4Sport Partners
Blind Sports NSW
Cricket NSW
Dragon Boats NSW
Equestrian NSW
Gymnastics NSW
K7 Adventures
Lane Cove Football Club
NRL Wheelchair
NSW Fencing
NSW Goalball
NSW Rugby League
NSW Softball Association
NSW Touch Association 
Paddle NSW
Rouse Hill Rams Little Athletics
Rowing NSW
Royal Life Saving NSW
Sport NSW
Surf Life Saving NSW
Swimming NSW
Tennis NSW
Volleyball NSW

Duke 4Sport partner logos
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