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Office of Sport

While sporting organisations agree more women and girls should participate in sport, there is often a lack of understanding of how to go about it. The interactive, online Participation Planning Tool can help organisations create a strategy or program for increasing sport participation for women and girls.

Using the Sport Australia Drivers of Participation framework as a guide, we’ve created a questionnaire to help identify positives and potential focus areas. We’ve also compiled relevant resources and recommendations to help drive action and reach your female participation goals. 

The tool will:

  • Help to organise your thinking on strategies to drive female participation
  • Adapt to your organisation’s needs and capabilities
  • Assess your organisation’s current areas of strength and opportunities for improving female participation
  • Provide tools and techniques to executing a female participation strategy

What is the Participation Planning Tool?

While sporting organisations agree more women and girls should participate in sport, there is often a lack of understanding of how to go about this. The interactive, online Participation Planning Tool can help organisations create a strategy for increasing sport participation for women and girls.

The tool will:

  • Help to organise thinking and strategy on female participation
  • Adapt to your organisation’s needs and capabilities
  • Assess your organisation’s current areas of strength and opportunities for improving female participation
  • Provide tools and techniques to executing a female participation strategy

How was the tool developed?

The original participation framework was developed in a collaboration between Sport Australia and Nielsen to identify drivers and barriers to sport participation. Nielsen interviewed and surveyed key stakeholders across sporting organisations within Australia, conducted a literature review, and consulted their network of global resources to understand the issues faced in keeping participants active.

Nielsen collaborated with Office of Sport in customising the framework for female participation by focusing on what women and girls want and need.


Complete the Participation Planning Tool

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