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Office of Sport

The Office of Sport hosts a range of webinars and presentations to assist people from the sport and active recreation sector to understand their obligations in relation to Child Safety reporting, integrity and concerns.

Sport Integrity Australia Roadshow

The roadshow presentation was an opportunity to listen, learn and understand State Sporting Organisation’s operating models, integrity threats and issues and to discuss how Sport Integrity Australia may be able to assist SSOs with protecting against integrity threats.

The roadshow presentation included:

  • Overview of the roles and functions of Sport Integrity Australia
  • Integrity policies:
    - National Integrity Framework
    - Integrity Policy Standards
    - NSO Integrity policy compliance
  • Discussion - Policy implementation in NSW
  • Discussion – Collaborative working to protect against the integrity threats to sport.

View presentation slide deck

More webinars and Presentations

Child Safeguarding and the Law – Online Safety and Sport

In this webinar, Greg Gebhart from the eSafety Commissioner focused on:
•            Why online safety matters in a sporting context
•            Online risks and sport
•            Reporting online harms to the eSafety Commissioner
•            Online safety tips for participants, coaches, officials and volunteers
•            New eSafety sport resources.

Greg Gebhart is one of Australia’s leading online safety presenters, having provided presentations to more than 1.2 million participants at state, national and international events. Greg has received national and international awards for his passion in leading education and technology change.

Date: Thursday, 23rd November 2023 

To ensure you receive the most recent information in this fast-changing area, the eSafety Commissioner suggests always referring to the regularly updated esaftey Commissioner website
Webinar notes

This fourth webinar explored the role of Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) and our obligations under the National Integrity Framework (NIF). Focus questions include:

  • What is SIA’s role in Child Safeguarding?  
  • What is the National Integrity Framework?  
  • Difference between NIF and non-NIF sports
  • How to report to SIA’s reporting line?  
  • When to report to SIA?  
  • What happens when you report to SIA?

Date: Thursday, 12th October 2023 

Brenna Dodds – Director, Integrity Complaints  
Emma Gardner – Assistant Director, Safeguarding
Monica Daley – Principal Case Manager and Counsel, National Sports Tribunal
Presentation slides

Webinar notes


The webinar focused on reporting to the Child Protection Helpline and will include:   

  • Child Protection Helpline
  • Introduction and key statistics
  • How to report to the Child Protection Helpline
  • What is Risk of Significant Harm? (ROSH)
  • What happens after a report is made?
  • Joint Child Protection Response Program (JCPRP)
  • After Hours Response Team (AHRT)
  • Tips for quality reporting

Date: Tuesday 5 September 2023

Presenters: Tamara Trembath A/Director, Child Protection Helpline NSW Communities and Justice and Marco Blanco, Managing Director and Principal Solicitor of Child Safeguard.
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View Fact Sheet
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The webinar focuses on reporting to Police and will include:   

  • What are child abuse offences? 
  • Reporting obligations  
  • NSW Police role in protecting children, including: 
  • Emergency response 
  • Reporting a crime 
  • Reporting a disclosure of historical abuse 
  • Preferred reporting methods

Date: Wednesday 28 June 2023

Presenter: Marco Blanco, Managing Director and Principal Solicitor of Child Safeguard

View the presentation
View the fact sheet
Webinar notes


This webinar focuses on the OCG and their multiple Child Safeguarding roles and will include: 

  • The Working with Children Check 
  • Child Safe Standards 
  • Reportable Conduct 

Date: Thursday 3 August 2023

Presenters: The NSW Children’s Guardian Stephen Kinmond OAM and Marco Blanco, Managing Director and Principal Solicitor of Child Safeguard.
View the presentation
View the fact sheet

View webinar notes

This webinar focuses on practical tips, strategies, and guidance on how to comply with Child Safe Legal obligations in NSW. At the completion of the webinar, participants will understand:

  • Regulation of the Child Safe Standards in NSW
  • Child Safe Legal obligations, including duty to prevent, failure to report, failure to protect
  • Reporting obligations for volunteers, staff and managers.

Date: Thursday 23 August 2022

Presenters: Marco Blanco, Managing Director and Principal Solicitor of Child Safeguard.

View the presentation
View the fact sheet


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