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Office of Sport
Duke of Ed webinar

Duke of Ed Leader - Level 2

Duke of Ed Leaders will be sent a link to register for Level 2 training through the Office of Sport Portal.

Level 2 builds on the learnings from Level 1. You must complete Level 1 before registering for Level 2.

Level 2 includes:

• Delivering the Duke of Ed in Australia, including structure and governance.
• Practical application of the Duke of Ed Framework in the Duke of Ed Centre environment.
• Onboarding Duke of Ed Users, including Activity planning, goal setting and Assessor approval.
• Duke of Ed User management including Activity logging, sign-off and approval.
• Risk management and reporting, including Child Safe requirements and considerations.
• Mandatory record keeping.
• Duke of Ed promotion and recognition.
• Establishing sustainable partnerships, including councils, community groups and sports clubs.
• Online Record Book (ORB) – navigating the ORB and helpful reports.
• Adventurous Journey (AJ) management – AJ ideas and considerations for running either in-house or outsourced.
• Ongoing mentoring, support and communication channels.

Training details

Location: Interactive online delivery
Cost: Free
Time: 9:30am to 1:00pm

Scheduled training dates

Places are limited and fill quickly, if a training session is full, please choose another suitable date.

How to register

Registration for training dates is through the Duke of Ed Learning Locker.

Login in now

What do Award Leaders say about Level 2 training?

"Has given me a great understanding of the Award Leader role for someone with no previous experience"

"The session was very informative. It was very interactive and that helped me understand the concepts much better"

"Fantastic session, very engaging, used the Teams platform well with the use of chat function and lots of opportunity for questions and comments"

"The Journeys are probably the hardest part to understand as an Award Leader, but the session really cleared up a lot of my questions"

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