Improvements to the Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex

The NSW Government has carried out a $7.7 million upgrade to the shooting range at the Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex.
Approval was obtained through NSW Government Department of Planning & Environment:
- Condition of approval - NSW Government Department of Planning & Environment
- Approved plans - Consolidated Instrument (PDF, 97.11 KB)
The work approved for construction included:
- Acoustic shelters at the new 500m and 50m ranges
- Large earth mounds (using existing site stockpiles of earth) to be built at the 500m and 50m ranges to reduce noise levels
- Firing lines at both new ranges to be built close to the ground to reduce noise levels
- Stopbutt construction at the 50 metre and 500 metre ranges to meet best practice lead management at outdoor shooting ranges (US)
- Install solar power panels on roofs of 50 metre and 500 metre firing lines
- Install on-site environmental waste disposal for bathroom facilities at 50 metre and 500 metre ranges
- Construction of range walls for the 50 metre shooting range
- Commissioning environmental noise tests during construction period
- Approved Water
- Provide wheelchair accessible facilities and equitable access to the 50 metre and 500 metre firing lines
- Car parking areas next to 50 metre and 500 metre ranges
Compliance and noise regulation will be overseen by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Complex managed by the Office of Sport as a public facility.
Approval has also been obtained to remediate the 800m range stopbutt and rebuild to the same US standard a new stopbutt and an acoustic shelter and noise barriers.
Approved construction plans
For more information
Phone: 13 13 02
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Email: sends e-mail)
Operational Environment Management Plan (PDF, 1.89 MB)
Range approval (PDF, 394.28 KB)