Regional Sport and Active Recreation Plans
Following extensive consultation with the sport and active recreation sector, the Office of Sport has developed nine Regional Sport and Active Recreation Plans.
The plans represent the a new approach to collaborate, plan and deliver sport and active recreation across the state.
Each Regional Sport and Active Recreation Plan focuses on achieving six outcomes by undertaking a series of region and non-region specific strategies over the next decade.
These outcomes are:
- Increase the PARTICIPATION of adults and children in regular sport and active recreation;
- Improve ACCESS to sport and active recreation for everyone in the region, regardless of participant background or ability;
- Integrate PERFORMANCE PATHWAYS for participants in sport;
- Deliver fit for purpose FACILITIES in the region;
- Deliver sporting EVENTS which are valued by the region; and
- Improved COLLABORATION within the sport and active recreation sector.
The plans will guide resource allocation and investment across the state and provide a consistent basis for regional planning and delivery.
Each plan provides recommendations for activities that could be implemented in each region. They provide a list of possibilities which can be prioritised by each region’s Sport and Active Recreation Planning and Delivery group.
Plan Evaluation
Through the Office of Sport's partnership with the University of Sydney's SPRINTER Group a standardised evaluation framework has been developed with specific targets and measurable indicators which will be used to answer the following questions:
- To what extent are the six objectives in the regional sport and active recreation plans achieved at short (1-2 years), medium (3-4 years) and long term (5 years) time points in regional NSW?
- What works, and what doesn’t work, in the process of implementing the regional sport and active recreation plans in the varied areas of regional NSW at short (1-2 years), medium (3-4 years) and long term (5 years) time points in regional NSW?
Regional Sport Plans Snapshot (PDF, 783.13 KB) (PDF, 783.13 KB)
View the plans
Click your region below to access the relevant Sport and Active Recreation Plan.