Child safety in sport and recreation
The Child Safe Standards provide a framework for creating child safe organisations. They emphasise the importance of adopting multiple strategies to address child safety.
The Standards are based on the extensive research and consultation by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. In accordance with the Children's Guardian Act 2019, Sport and Recreation organisations providing services to children are required to implement the Child Safe Standards, under the Child Safe Scheme (as of 1 February 2022).
Employees and volunteers in child-related organisations have an important part to play in creating child safe organisations.
Child Safe Self-Assessment Tool
Child-related organisations can now check how they’re performing against the NSW Child Safe Standards by using the new Child Safe Self-Assessment.
Child safe sport tips from journalist and child safe advocate Paul Kennedy.
View the full series
Child safe sport tip 2 - Staff and volunteers
Child safe sport tip 3 - Complaints
Child safe sport tip 4 - Policies
Child safe sport tip 5 - Culture
About grooming - Information for child-related organisations.
Play by the Rules - Let kids be kids video.

A short animation to teach younger children protective behaviours while playing sport.
Your Sport, Your Way - Chloe
Your Sport, Your Way - Flynn
Your Sport, Your Way - Jack
Your Sport, Your Way - Mia
Your Sport, Your Way - Julio
Your Sport, Your Way - Lily
Your Sport, Your Way - Mireille
Your Sport, Your Way - Mitch
Your Sport, Your Way - Pauline
Your Sport, Your Way - Renee
Your Sport, Your Way - Rianna
Your Sport, Your Way - Trisha
Your Sport, Your Way - Sienna
A short, animated guide about the Working with Children Check
A short, animated guide about the Child Safe reporting
Child Safety in Sport and Recreation part 1: Before you start
Child Safety in Sport and Recreation part 2: How to apply the Standards
Child Safety in Sport and Recreation part 3: Meeting your club members’ needs
Child Safety in Sport and Recreation: (full video)
Play by the Rules – Start to Talk Campaign Video

Getting started - clubs and organisations
While child safety is everyone’s responsibility, club committees must take the lead and put some important foundations in place. Help for club committees getting started.
For practical ways clubs can implement the Standards. Tips for club committees.
Child safety laws in NSW
When it comes to child safety, it’s important to understand there are legal requirements in NSW for sport and recreation organisations, staff and volunteers. Learn more
Working with Children Check
The Working with Children Check (WWCC) is a requirement for anyone in paid or volunteer child-related work in NSW. Employers and organisations must verify the WWCC details of anyone they engage in child-related work.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian manage the WWCC in NSW. Learn more. More information about what parents need to know about the Working with Children Check can be found here. Parents can also verify someone’s WWCC details using the Service NSW app.
Keeping children safe is now everyone’s responsibility! Changes to the Crimes Act 1900 in August 2019 strengthened the civic responsibilities of adults in NSW. It is now a criminal offence for adults not to report to police if they ‘know, believe or reasonably ought to know that a child abuse offence has been committed’. In addition, people employed in child-related work may be subject to a criminal offence if they fail to reduce or remove risk of a child becoming a victim of child abuse.
In an emergency, where there are urgent concerns for a child’s health or life, call the police immediately by dialling 000.
To report non-urgent child abuse or neglect call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444, or your local Police Area Command.
Anyone who suspects, on reasonable grounds, that a child or young person is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect should report it to the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Mandatory reporters are required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect to government authorities. Learn more about mandatory reporters and mandatory reporting at Communities and Justice.
Kids Helpline is a free, confidential counselling service for young people, and also adults working with and/ or supporting them. Contact them via online chat, email or phone 1800 551 800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can report concerns about an individual or an organisation that you believe is not meeting Child Safe Scheme or Working with Children Check obligations at the Office of the Children’s Guardian.
Introductory information about Reportable Conduct (allegations against workers)
The National Office for Child Safety publishes a Complaint Handling Guide. Upholding the rights of children and young people.
Sharing the message
Organisations are encouraged to share messages about how they are implementing the Child Safe Standards.
See the Office of the Children’s Guardian Child Safe Standards media kit for child safe posters, social media resources, graphics, sample messages and emails.
Play by the Rules:
News and updates
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This podcast will help listeners to develop, maintain and improve the things they do in their organisation to keep children safe. Each episode features interviews with child safe professionals and other stakeholders, with stories about the challenges they have faced as well as the solutions and useful resources they have found.
Resources and training
Find all the Child Safe training and resources you need to make your club a fun and safe place for kids.